Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Spicy Popcorn

popcorn bowl pink shirt red skirt
My daughter had her palate extender (an orthodontic device that resides in one’s mouth) removed this week; in celebration, we bought and made popcorn. One isn’t allowed to have popcorn (or chewy, goopy food) with a palate extender (or with braces), so it was exciting to once again be sharing popcorn. The popcorn my daughter picked out came in a bag, and I kept eating it. In order not to eat all of *her* popcorn, I made my own.


  • 3/4 cup plain kernels of popcorn
  • 1 paper bag, lunch bag size
  • 1/2 tsp. sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp. turmeric, garlic powder, cumin, and pepper
  • 3 tsp. organic butter
  • 1 bunch steamed broccoli

Put the popcorn kernels in the bag and fold it closed. Put it in the microwave – ours has a popcorn setting. When it is done popping, remove the bag. Prepare the butter with the spices and salt by melting it in a saucepan or in a bowl in the microwave. Pour it over the popcorn.

So why the steamed broccoli? After you finish all the popcorn, you are going to enjoy mopping up the spicy butter remnants with a piece of broccoli!

Mrs. S. says

Sounds like a yummy snack, and I like the broccoli idea! :-)

Here in Israel, there really aren't paper lunch bags, but in any event, we usually make popcorn in our air-popper instead of our microwave.

Leora says

Oh, yes, air-poppers! We got one as a prize in the summer; we need to unwrap it and try it out.

Thanks for the reminder of other ways to make popcorn. In any case, the spicy butter and broccoli will work fine with air-popped corn. :-)

Ilana-Davita says

Popcorn and broccoli are a very unusual combination. I have never heard if a popcorn setting. But then here people only eat popcorn when they go to the movie.

Leora says

What do kids eat for a snack? In my view, popcorn is healthier than say, potato chips, another snack my daughter adores.


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