Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Project Black

boy wearing black
This is what happens when your child does not have any regularly scheduled activity or camp…they start to take over your blog…doodoodoodoodoo (insert scary music here).

For more Project Black posts or to participate, visit Anna Carson’s blog.

kim from hiraeth says

What a cute kid! And a great memory shot!

gaz says

yo yo yo! kickin it wi da FBI posse...
great post.

Ilana-Davita says

Great pose! Handsome boy too!

Leora says

I have to add that this was HIS idea. I was going to use one of my Israel pics.

Carletta says

What a great shot! It's perfect for Project Black.
I love his big brown eyes over the glasses.

Mishelle Lane Photography says

Great shot!!

Britt says

What a fun picture!! I love it!

lissa says

going through a black phase? cute pic

Janet says

LOL he's adorable :-) What eyes!

Robin (the PENSIEVE one) says

He was just helping you out with Project Black, right? Giving you "something" to photograph?

He's darling (which is a compliment from me, but maybe insulting to him!). Tons of personality shimmering from this shot :).

willow says

Going through a black phase, is he?

Great shot! You caught his impish personality.

Dianne says

He's a star!

a great shot, he must have an incredible personality, it shines through

Robin says

I love it. The shot shows so much personality, and the black background is a great touch.

Leora says

To Robin (the PENSIEVE one), yes, as he was the one who planned this photo (I just clicked the camera at the right angle), he wasn't too thrilled about being called adorable or a darling! It's OK with me, though.

Thanks, everyone.

Anna says

This is awesome! I love it!

Jeanne Damoff says

How'd you get a such a tough, scary-looking dude to pose for you?

(Maybe he'll like that comment better, though he is pretty adorable.)

Mar says

Great eyes and all in black! perfect for the theme :)

Raven says

Oh, that's a wonderful shot... and you have me sitting her laughing. Thanks. You two are clearly a great team.

quilly says

Cool. Here's definitely cool.

[And if we were younger and cooler ourselves, he most likely wouldn't mind us finding him adorable ...]

hihorosie says

What a great pic! You have good looking kids Leora!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) says

He is one cool dude!

Melli says

ADORABLE! MIB in the making!

CG says

He's a star. Great for Black

The Babysitter says

looks spooky, he did a good job dressing up in black, looks scary.

btw, its interesting to see how you and Raizy comment as mothers. and funny what your children say.


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