Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

More Candles

I got inspired by your comments on my last post of candles, and I did two more. More struggling. One of the hard parts about watercolor is that once you add the color, you can’t have the white of the canvas anymore. And it’s easy to work the painting too much. So I cheated on the painting above. I used Photoshop to add some white. Why do I confess? Part of blogging is to share my feelings and issues. Can anyone else get frustration? Like you are close to a goal, but then you mess up, once again. Well, not completely mess up, but not quite get it the way you want it to be, either.

On the last post, Ilana-Davita suggested the varied colors added to a less pessimistic painting. However, at the same time, it is not supposed to be a birthday party candle, so I don’t want to make it too festive. I went to the dentist yesterday (Dr. Ira Feldman in East Brunswick, a wonderful man and good dentist, too), and he has this fascinating painting on his office wall that has purple shadows. So I thought, instead of black, maybe I should make the shadows of my yahrzeit candle purple?

Feel free to tell me anything you want about my little candles. Thank you so much for looking!

Gail says

I certainly can relate very closely (!) to feeling frustrated when trying to create something that doesn't come out the way you planned.

I think you candles are really well done. I like the touch of white that you added to the flame in the top one. Once again, I get a sense of mourning, yet also a feeling of hope and comfort at the same time. That's a hard thing to convey, but you have captured it well.

frumhouse says

Very pretty. Purple is my favorite color!

baila says

I do like the white in the flame in the upper photo, but I like the background better in the second.

I understand the frustration of trying to get it exactly as you want it. I think that is a part of creating any kind of art. But the viewer doesn't usually know about the struggle--we just enjoy the talent!

Ilana-Davita says

I agree with Baila. The touch of white in the first candle adds a flicker of hope but the background is richer in the second painting; maybe because it is less blurred.

swedish chekchouka says

Leora, all for of them are nice. I like the first two, with a black background, when you lose someone you love that is exactly how you feel, everything is black around you except a little flame, small, but colorful and full of memories and love from the person that just left.

Leora says

Gail, thanks, and yes, you can understand the artist's frustration of not getting it quite the way you want!

Thanks, frumhouse, glad you like purple, too.
Baila, so glad you enjoy!
Ilana-Davita, the first one looked so nice before I smudged it and worked it too much. Sigh.
Swedish Chekchouka, thanks for identifying with the black ones. That helps, too. Of course, it might depend on the person, what one might want to send.

I may do these again at some point. Who knows.

system operator says

I think it is a wonderful thing to send something you have made by yourself. People do appreciate the time one uses for them.

It is very well done also.


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