Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

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My daughter gave me a book of her drawings as a Chanukah present. I am supposed to write in the story myself.

Can you help me? Is this a queen or a princess? Who are those folks in yellow? Is that a cake in the middle? A castle? A cake of a castle? Oh, maybe it’s a chanukiah (a menorah)! And maybe some of you are better than me at understanding kids’ drawings.

Thanks and enjoy whatever holidays you are celebrating this week.

mother in israel says

Definitely a birthday cake.

Mrs. S. says

I vote for a chanukiah. After all, the mother/queen seems to be holding a platter of latkes...

And on that note, Happy Chanukah to you and your family!

Ilana-Davita says

An important meal attended by princes and princesses? Aren't they round a table with a big cake in the middle?

Leora says

Mrs. S. yeah, those are latkes! Good eye.

Hmmm, so far we've got two voting for a cake and one for a chanukiah.

Batya says

It looks like a mother and children lighting the Chanukah menorah, drawn by a child who hasn't internalized numbers yet.

Aron Grinshtein says

Hard to say, I think I am going to go with queen and eating cake with chanukah candles on top. Dunno. How old is she?

Leora says

Aron, she's six.

Batya, you are brilliant. I asked her, and she told me it was a mama and her children lighting the chanukiah (she called it a menorah). And she is holding a plate of latkes, as Mrs. S. noted.

ramblingwoods says

What a sweet idea..I thought cake, then a menorah...I see you have your answer..

The Jewish Side says

That is a really interesting picture.

ok before looking at the other comments, I'm gonna try to guess some stuff.

The purple in the back looks like curtains by a window.
Looks like the boy on the left his holding a dreidel.
The lady on the right is holding a baby.
The upper right corner is a airplane
the upper left corner is something flying through the sky.
Looks like a menorah on the table except that it's only 5 parts.

ok, now looking at the comments I see that it's a plate of latkes the mother's holding, I can see that.

Your daughter did a great job, I'm sure your gonna save the book she drew for you.


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