We went for a walk…
My daughter and I went for a walk on a lovely spring day this week. This is what we found:
Can anyone identify this tree?
It has to be a fruit tree, because on the tree we found this:
This is the bracha for a fruit tree. So my daughter and I said the bracha (blessing):
Transliteration: Boruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom She-lo Chi-seir Be-o-lo-mo Ke-lum U-va-rah Vo Be-ri-yos To-vos Ve-i-lo-nos To-vos Le-ha-nos ba-hem Be-nei A-dam.
Translation: Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who has made nothing lacking in His world and created in it goodly creatures and goodly trees to give mankind pleasure. (This transliteration and translation is the Chabad version.)
and we went on our merry way.
If you are in Highland Park/Edison area, this tree is located on North 8th in Edison, near the Shabbos park.
Lion of Zion says
i know n. 8th st., but what's the shabbos park?
Leora says
>n. 8th st.
North 8th Avenue
>shabbos park
It's the only park on North 8th. It's got some official new name, that nobody knows or calls it. Everyone calls it the Shabbos Park or the N. 8th Park. It's between Edgemount and Cellar, and the tree is really at the corner of Fairhill, one block closer to Highland Park.
It gets very crowded on Shabbat, when the weather is nice.
Lion of Zion says
hmm. we've been to highland park/edison quite a few times for shabbat, but have never been to that park. i guess our friends (who live off of n. 8th) are embarassed of the brookyn rif-raff
Leora says
LOZ: maybe your friends don't want to subject you to "social overload"? That park can get pretty intimidating to adults when it gets very crowded, sort of like a large kiddush.
I noticed today that the sign was gone from the tree. Maybe they read my post and got uncomfortable? Or maybe since it's Iyar already...
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