For many years this was the Corner Confectionery. Then that little ice cream shop/candy store on South Third Avenue closed its doors, and a FOR LEASE sign haunted the windows for several months. About a month ago the sign disappeared. I wonder what it will be?
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Felisol says
I must have been a cosy store to buy ice and goodies in.
Kind of sad that the small corner stores disappears.
Let's hope some young and brave are opening a new one in those attractive locations.
The transparent angle you've chosen is origianal and well functioning.
From Felisol
maryt/theteach says
Like Felisol I hope for a cosy little ice cream shoppe, Leora! Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)
East Gwillimbury WOW! says
Oh, I LOVE mysteries. I hope you will tell us when you find out. ;-)
Ilana-Davita says
I hope it will remain an independent store rather than part of a bigger chain. Nice shot.
Catherine says
The shop around the corner. Well-placed to attract customers.
The facade looks stylish, and welcoming, I hope the new owners will find interesting products to sell.
At this present time, the shop looks like wrapped in transparent paper, waiting for its opening.
Ralph says
Perhaps it will be something a bit different, like a tea house, a luncheonette the features soups, or a cheesecake restaurant. The style and intimate size makes me wonder...
Carletta says
I was thinking a little bakery. Lots of cookies. Or, maybe a fudge store.
I do hope they keep the facade as is - it's very quaint.
In answer to your question about my caboose at the playground no, the caboose is completely fenced in and not for play.
Thank you for all your wonderful comments about my new photoblog. It is much appreciated.
Mojo says
Seems a lot of indie businesses are falling victim to this sagging economy. How long before there aren't any left?
ramblingwoods says
At least something will open there. We have so many empty storefronts yet we continue to clear patches of woods for more strip malls....Thank you for your kind comments Leora, they were especially appreciated this week....
Jew Wishes says
Great reflections and light in this beautiful photo. I like the nostalgic aspect.
Jientje says
Keep us posted? It's such a pretty place!
Love the picture!
eastcoastlife says
I wish for an ice-cream parlour or a snack bar! I love the decor of the shop.
Dianne says
pretty little shop
Gary's Trains says
Thanks for stopping by. Your little store front is unique. Such a nice post for RT.
Actually the letters on my no smoking sign stand for New York Central , a famous railroad that ran from New York City to Chicago but is now a name from the past, also known as a "Fallen Flag".
leah says
that's a nice little shop, perfect for a cafe, cake shop or bakery.
thanks for the visit! :)
Tink *~*~* says
Well, whatever it is, I hope the new owners don't strip it of any of its old fashioned charm!
Tink *~*~*
NEW at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
One RED Thing From Each Walt Disney World Park
Batya says
I love reflection pictures. People, not in the know, look at me like I'm nuts when I'm taking them. And I even get nasty statements how nothing will come out.
marLou says
Looks old fashion with the woodwork. I would have enjoyed having ice cream in this shop.
Patti V. says
I'm a week late on this Ruby Tuesday post. I'm so disorganized. I love the style and character of this storefront. The stained glass on the top is really pretty. There is an old store on our Main Street with similar glass. That makes me want to go photograph it!
Have a nice Ruby day!
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