Review with Stained Glass Menorah

On My Blog
I had plans to draw a cow and put it on my blog (like when I did the sheep), but this never happened. Can anyone guess why I wanted to put up a cow?
Elsewhere in the Blogosphere
- In 1917 children voted against candy.
- Jew Wishes posted her latkes recipe.
- Dreidel photo by G6 and another dreidel photo by Mrs. S.
- Persian cyclamen and other beautiful flowers of the Carmel
- Photo essay by Mother in Israel of Kula forest
- Ilana-Davita asks difficult questions about giving charity.
Attention Jewish Photo Bloggers: JPIX, the blog carnival of Jewish Photo Bloggers, is next Wednesday, December 23. So please send in your links to favorite photos by December 22. You may also send them to jpixcarnival at gmail dot com. And if you are not a Jewish Photo Blogger, you are invited to come back to this blog on December 23 to see the “show.”
Pesky Settler will be hosting a JPIX on February 25. Thanks for volunteering.
Carver says
That's beautiful stained glass.
Ilana-Davita says
Nice choice of pic for the last day of Chanukah. Thank you for the shout out.
Jew Wishes says
Such a beautiful photo of the stained glass.
Thank you for the link.
Mrs. S. says
Shavua tov, and thanks for the link.
We just got back from a wonderful long weekend up North. I hope to post about our trip soon.
I love your dreidel picture and also the cool warp effect picture! Have a great week!
Louis la Vache says
Uh, «Louis» guesses that you wanted to draw a cow in order to make him, vache that he is, happy! :-)
Leora says
Louis, I am glad you actually read what I wrote! Maybe I will go downstairs and draw the cow in your honor.
Batya says
You're invited to participate in the Your Best Chanukah Picture of The Holiday! meme. It would be good for jpix, nu?
ramblingwoods says
Someone living near my Mother lost their house last night because of a Menorah they left burning. Poor folks lost their cat too....Michelle
Leora says
This is the third fire I have learned of this year. We don't leave the house with out Menorah burning. It can be very nerve-wracking. There are also cases with Shabbat candles and with havdalah candles. Sad story, Michelle.
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