Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Ruby Tuesday Visits My Kitchen

This was my kitchen way back in July. See the tomatoes on the window sill? Must have been a bountiful week. The tomatoes are gone, but the clutter is still there.

This was in my kitchen last Friday: doughnuts for Chanukah (we have a custom of eating foods fried in oil to remember the oil that miraculously lasted for 8 days) and challah for Shabbat (the commandment or mitzvah is to eat two loaves of bread with each Shabbat meal – a rich egg bread has developed as the tradition to uphold the mitzvah). Yes, both are homemade. Little red in this photo, but it does keep with the theme of my kitchen!

And here are some red strawberries that got gobbled up last night, along with the doughnuts (sufganiyot) and latkes (potato pancakes). I also made Mimi’s fish soup and a cubed pressed salad of cucumbers and carrots that I seasoned with fresh-squeezed lemon juice, orange juice, and chopped fresh ginger root.

For more photos with red, visit Ruby Tuesday:

Kim says

Missed those red tomatoes and those home grown strawberry. Thanks for sharing!

My Red Tuesday

felisol says

It's a good thing that you are sharing the contents of Hanukkah with your readers. I learned something last year, but need refreshing my knowledge.
We cannot be reminded often enough about our Lord's many wonders.
The eggbread in the background looks tempting.
It's a good thing that you are making all this food from scratch.
Even home grown berries. Ai, ai.
I have to go down to my freezer and fetch some of my self bought!
From Felisol

Leora says

I bought those berries. My berries from June are long gone! We get homegrown strawberries for two weeks, and that is it.

The egg bread, aka challah, is better than cake - less sweet, but just sweet enough. Too good!

Ralph says

The tomatoes are log gone up here, but not forgotten! The doughnuts look delicious, a family treat where fried is not a negative connotation, a time together at a special time of year.

I can taste the deep fried latkes, the berries a sweet treat that works well with the savory items. Happy Chanukah

Eileen says

The donuts caught my eyes right away, they look delicious!

Leora says

They taste too good! We ate the ones made on Sunday night 10 minutes after they were made - irresistible. I'm going to eat salad and rice for the rest of the week.

Rose says

The tomatoes brings back summer memories, as do the strawberries. And it all looks so delicious.

Happily Retired Gal says

Love tomatoes and strawberries ... especially the home-grown kind ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Marites says

that bread looks quite yummy and i like your kitchen even with the clutter. it looks homey. Happy RT!

Jim says

I would have some pretty red strawberries, please. They look really good!

Happy RT! :-)
Happy Chanukah

Jim says

BTW, I have some red strawberries on my breakfast waffle plate for RT. ;-)

Ilana-Davita says

A lovely series. Did you make this RT badge? Can we borrow it?

Leora says

Yes, you can use the badge! I got tired of the two variations of slippers I had.

Thanks for noticing.

Ilana-Davita says

Great, thank you!

Jew Wishes says

Luscious looking delights for Ruby Tuesday!

Mrs. S. says

Those strawberries look great, and I like your pretty blue wall tiles!

Leora says

I had fun picking out those wall tiles ten years ago. It was one of the best parts of having the kitchen redone.

john says

Strawberry is one of my family's favorite.

Please check out For the love of Family


Mmmmmmmmmmmm, yummy.

My R T is's all about Pecan Toffee Bark today. Come over and I'll share a piece with you...


Robin from Israel says

Donuts and strawberries - when can I come over?

Leora says

How come I don't get a response like that to my many soup recipes?

Ellie says

Plenty of fats and carbs - magic - hard to beat that kind of pleasure :)

chubskulit says

The donuts looks delish!

My RT with Santa

Patti V. says

Those strawberries look luscious. And homemade donuts sound divine. I've never made them; maybe someday.

Your kitchen looks like home, I don't mind a little clutter. ;-)

I also noticed your new RT badge. Very cool.

Happy Chanukah~

Leora says

Thanks for noticing the Ruby Tuesday badge. If you use it, would love a little link love the first (or 2nd or 3rd) time you use it. But you are welcome to use it! I got inspired.

Dianne says

I think it is lovely clutter, so many pretty colors

I love challah, could probably eat the 2 loaves myself

Leora says

Pretty clutter - what a great theme.

Auntie E says

OH, I would love some donuts, they look so good.

Jane says

Please can I have your recipe for sufganiyot? I haven't tried to make them before, but would like a full 12 months of practice in 2010:-)

BTW, I just visited the website with the dairy free oatmeal cookie recipe. What is "earth balance"? Is it some kind of vegetarian glue (smile)

Leora says

See my note to Raizy on this post:

“earth balance” - sort of like margarine but no trans fats - I guess you can only get it in the U.S.?

Ellie says

Happy Chanukah. I love the challah bread, I buy it at Whole Foods. It is very close to Bulgarian kozunak that is made for Easter - something between challah and panetone. Your homemade bread though looks nothing like the one from the store - many times better - very yellow yummy view. You have a very inviting cozy kitchen. I enjoyed the tour.

Carletta says

Oh, to have some fresh garden tomatoes about now!
Just reading about your culinary delights is making me hungry Leora. :)

Nonizamboni says

Deliciousness! Loved reading about your feast and enjoy your new Ruby Tuesday badge.

Leora says

Thanks for noticing the badge! Feel free to use it. Linking to my blog once if you use it would be nice but not required.

Nukke says

Those doughnuts I would so much like to taste !!! Delicious pics you have here. And Merry Christmastime to you and Happy New Year !!!!!

Leora says

Nukke, we don't celebrate Xmas, but you have a good holiday season. Enjoy.

Paz says

Lovely reds in your kitchen. Nice RT badge.


ramblingwoods says

You found some really nice berries to use..Sigh summer.... Michelle

Louis la Vache says

Would you please e-mail hungry ol' «Louis» some of that challah and a doughnut or two? ;-)

Leora says

Louis, you'll just have to come to the east coast and visit me for a bite! The doughnuts taste best eaten ten minutes after cooking.

ann chin says

Last night, my daughter (Chinese)went to a Chanukah party for the very first time. She told me about the bread and oil.


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