Week with Zoo Flowers

On My Blog
Please read my post on child sexual abuse: Protect Children from Abuse – thank you to everyone who left comments.
Elsewhere in the Blogosphere
- Discovered this week that a fellow Highland Parker, Joel Levy, has a blog called Becoming a Black Belt in Life. I discovered it because he stopped me on the street (I seem to have a reputation as a blogger) and told me about it!
- Jew Wishes has reviews on books by one of my favorite authors, Aharon Appelfeld: Iron Tracks, Badenheim 1939 and Laish.
- I really liked Robin’s photo of Shefayim Beach and Ann’s photo of a male pine grosbeak bird.
- Ilana-Davita talks in this post about books she is reading, so I will tell you that I just ordered three books: Stones by Michael Rockland, The Jew of Home Depot by Max Apple, and Flat Belly Diet by Liz Vaccariello. Flat Belly Diet is actually for my father; he is always interested in healthy diets, and someone must have recommended this book to him. If you meet him, you would say, why does he need to lose weight? He doesn’t. He needs to keep any fat he has and to stay healthy. I’m curious about the book.
Oh, and a brief parsha quiz: Who is Putiel? (and isn’t that a fab name?).
Annual link to the froggy song.
Hannah @ A Mother in Israel says
A well-deserved reputation! I'll take a look at that blog.
Robin from Israel says
Such pretty hibiscus, they look a bit different from ours.
Thanks for the mention of my beach photo :). Have a great weekend.
Leora says
I actually guessed they are hibiscus. The ones in my neighbor's yard probably look more like the ones in Israel (in fact, she used to live in Israel, which is probably why she had one planted in her yard).
Mrs. S. says
As always, a week of beautiful images!
Shabbat Shalom to you and your family!
Ilana-Davita says
(I seem to have a reputation as a blogger Maybe this is the beginning of fame. Lots of my students dream to be rich and famous; maybe I should tell them to start a blog.
I seem to remember that you have blogged about Max Apple but I have never heard of Michael Rockland.
Thanks for linking to my blog.
Leora says
Michael Rockland is a professor at Rutgers. He is speaking about his book in March.
James says
Another week of great photos! I really like the cardinal on the ground.
Shabbat Shalom!
Jew Wishes says
What a lovely and delicate looking hibiscus.
I like the choice of books you ordered, including the Flat Belly Diet.
Shabbat Shalom!
Jew Wishes says
Thank you for linking me.
Happily Retired Gal says
Beautiful pink hibiscus blossoms ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Joel A Levy says
Thanks for the mention on your site. I really appreciate your insights as a seasoned blogger. I just posted a new one on personal energy that you might find interesting. I look forward to your feedback.
Please leave a comment! I love to hear from you.