Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Portrait of the Artist as an Older Person

portrait of artist as older person
The school art assignment was to draw oneself as an older person. This was my daughter’s execution, which she proudly displayed at her school art show last night.

As for myself, I’m trying once again to take a breath by blogging. I admire Robin’s style, in which she both displays nuns in tan and discusses her plumbing traumas. My events of the week involved two down servers, both effecting sites that I work on, both now back up and running again. Is it the season to upgrade PHP perhaps? In one case I called the help desk; the line declared a fifteen minute wait. I hung up, then called back a few minutes later, thinking, I can wait fifteen minutes to find out what the problem is. The line then declared a one hour wait. I waited until the next day, until it was fixed. But then the other server went down, and that one I had to report about ten times before they fixed all the issues. Such as is the life of a webmaster (webmaven?).

Upcoming News: Blogging Workshop at Highland Park Public Library on June 12th – OK, experienced bloggers, what shall I cover? The public is invited.

I scheduled the next JPiX for June 24th (originally had been the 17th). You can learn more about JPiX and submit your posts here.

Jewaicious says

I love the self-portrait of your daughter as an older person. Very finely detailed.

Leora says

Thank you for the compliment on the drawing.

Hannah says

This is a very good portrait. Congratulations to your daughter! No wonder she was proud.
I am sorry you had the problems with the servers.

Leora says

Regarding the servers, it was more of a headache of wasting time than anything else. Nothing compared to Robin's plumbing woes.

Robin from Israel says

Someday I'm going to laugh about it all, but today is definitely not that day...

Sorry to hear about your IT woes, that's enough to send anyone round the bend.

Your daughter's portrait is wonderful. I love how she surrounded herself with flowers and still incorporates a love of dance in her adult self.

Leora says

Robin, you have a great way of making it through life's woes. We can all learn from you. Good luck with those at present.

Yes, isn't nice how she incorporated dance into the portrait?

Mrs. S. says

Your daughter did a lovely job! Shabbat Shalom to you and your family!

Leora says

Thank you and shavua tov!

Laura says

Very nice self portrait--the eyes have an interesting pensive quality. I was particularly taken in general with the portraits in the art show--I didn't realize that they were supposed to be self portraits. That makes the pictures so much more interesting (I wish I had known that).

As for the blogging workshop, I think blog design/aesthetics and platform choices are worthwhile topics. Also the relationship between blogging and facebook, pinterest, twitter. But, I think that the "why" is the most important topic. If you don't have a clear idea of why you are blogging and a clear idea of audience, you are unmoored.

Shabbat Shalom!

Leora says


Thanks for the tips for the workshop. Wish you could come (but I know getting it is rough - I always have a hard time getting out to my own workshops).

I may put up a slide: Why Are You Blogging? and ask the audience that question. I love the discussion part of these workshops.

Rambling Woods says

Oh I really like this...your children are so creative..Like Mom...

Leora says

I enjoy their creativity. It's all from them - I just feed them, and they produce!

Jill C says

Very nice!


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