Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Fanciful Fish Watercolor

Fanciful Fish watercolor
Fanciful Fish, watercolor by Leora Wenger 2014

Another day, another watercolor: inspired by the Day #5 exercise in One Watercolor a Day, I drew a fanciful fish using a drawing from a Dover book filled with art nouveau drawings. Then I drew it again on watercolor paper, put on some masking fluid, and painted in some color. All as I fancied – I made up the colors and some of the pattern as I went along.

Here is a detail of the fanciful fish watercolor that I posted last week on Google+:
fanciful fish detail watercolor
I decided a good way to use Google+ is when I am having a busy day, but I need a creative break, I quickly post a detail from a painting that I later plan for a whole post on my blog. I also sometimes post photos on Google+.

I am up late writing this post (people who know me well know I am usually an early to bed, early to rise type) because I am waiting for my son to come home from a trip. He went to visit my other son at college. He said he had a great time. He missed the first train he planned to take (a good experience in travel not always going perfectly), and my husband is out now picking him up.

I did a watercolor landscape last week that I based loosely on the photograph at the bottom of this Meron post. I also have lots of photos of robins – they seem to have invaded my neighbor’s backyard (and the gutters of my roof as well). So maybe a post on robins tomorrow – we will see. Thank you for visiting!

Hannah says

I like the warm colors of your painting and also the detail you show. Do you really paint a watercolor a day?
Hope your son got back home fine.

Leora says

Thank you for the compliment. No, I was hoping for one watercolor a week, but that seems to be dependent on how busy my Sunday is. So maybe two per month? Anyway, the One Watercolor a Day Facebook group influences me to get going a bit.

Oh, and my son got home as expected. Thank you!

Donna@GardensEyeView says

Lovely Leora and a great use of G+

Leora says

Thank you, Donna. And yes, I find Google+ is a good place for imagery discussion, both because of how it shows the images and because of Google's terms of service (better than that of Facebook, who wants to own everything you put up).

Lorri M. says

What a lovely water color! I love the tones, bringing warmth to my eyes. The facial details are wonderful, and I love the multi-toned scales. I like the perspective, unique, not the usual side view.

I am glad your son got home okay.

Leora says

Thanks for the detailed response on my watercolor. I was happy to see my son, and happy that he had such a good time visiting his brother at college. He said, "it's a lot more fun than Highland Park."

Carver says

I love your fanciful fish watercolor. My Dad did a fish watercolor for my daughter when she was young. He died some years ago but I'm glad he painted some fanciful art for my daughter.

Leora says

How nice that he did a painting for your daughter. My daughter is named for my mother, whom she never met, so she only sees paintings by her (and photographs).

Jeri says

Fish are so much fun, in real life or in art. I have a really neat tapestry done in shades of mostly gray and blue fabric of koi fish. I can stare at it for long periods of time. The sense of movement I get when looking at it never gets old.

Leora says

Fish have been a fascinating focus for artists.

Susan Cooper says

I have always enjoyed the Japanese renderings of koi fish. This reminds me of those. I think I like them because of the calming effect fish have while we watch them go about their business.

As usual, I do love the playful whimsy of this watercolor Leora.:-)

Leora says

Ah, whimsy is a nice word. I do like whimsical watercolors.

Michelle says

Oh I like this one..I guess I have to check our Google + then...Michelle

Leora says

Michelle, would love to interact with you on Google+. But only if you are comfortable. Almost all my posts there are public, so just use it for public-type discussions.


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