Bitter to Sweet Radish Salad

Avdus L’Herus (Slavery to Freedom) Salad Revisited
Passover is a challenge even for vegetable salads – sometimes one cannot get a certain condiment with a Pesach hashgacha (approval) that adds flavor, so one gets creative. Last year I blogged about the Slavery to Freedom Salad. This year I became enamored of a macrobiotic dish of pickled radishes with umeboshi paste. Since I cannot get the umeboshi paste for Passover, I came up with this combination of the two salads:
- 3 fresh beets – boiled and beet juice preserved
- 1 bag of red radishes, sliced
- 1 bunch chopped mint (or substitute parsley or cilantro)
- 3 navel oranges, cut into pieces
- 1 half chopped red onion
Cut the radishes into circles and cook them until slightly soft in the beet juice. Mix with oranges, chopped parsley and red onion. Serve at room temperature.
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Beet Salad
Don’t know what to do with the cooked beets? Here is what I put together:
Peel the beets after boiling. Discard skins. Chop into circular pieces (and then cut in half again, if desired). Drizzle with olive oil, sea salt and pepper. Garnish with scallion and parsley. Sprinkle with fresh lemon juice.
Yael says
Love the beet salad ideas.
Here's one of mine...
Cooked beets slice or chop and combine with chopped fresh cilantro, lemon juice and kosher salt.
Easy on Passover without purchase of extra fancy stuff.
Moadim L'simcha to you and your family!
Leora says
Yael, your beet salad sounds similar to mine...I just hardly ever use cilantro. Not my favorite flavor.
Ilana-Davita says
Both salads look quite tasty. I have some cooked beets so I'll probably make the second salad for tomorrow evening's meal. I'm glad I found the tip.
I also like beets with a cubed apple.
Leora says
Beets with cubed apple sounds nice. I've made potato salad with cubed apple.
Louis la Vache says
Very creative! The Slavery to Freedom theme is certainly appropriate for the Passover observance.
Leora says
So this year my brother-in-law called in m'shebud le'geula salad (from servitude to redemption).
You start with a radish, which is bitter, and cook it slightly to make it more palatable. Then by adding the oranges, it becomes sweet, but not so sweet. Thus can be the path for our own lives...
ramblingwoods says
Nobody here would even consider beets except me.. Interesting salad though Leora...
Leora says
Michelle, I see you have an avatar - what is that? does it have something to do with being green? Too bad ... makes some beets for yourself and invite over your fussiest neighbor. Maybe she likes beets?
Mrs. S. says
What a pretty, pink salad - perfect for Chag HaAviv! :-)
Mo'adim L'Simchah and Shabbat Shalom!
Leora says
Yes, it is pretty in pink! And celebrates spring, too.
Hannah @Cooking Manager says
I have most of the ingredients, including the cooked beets, but I am also the only one who would appreciate it. Sigh. Chag sameach.
Leora says
Enjoy the beets, then. I make this just so my brother-in-law can make his commentaries on it.
Minnesota Mamaleh says
thanks for the recipe idea! i love the ingredients, the "presentation," and the title! meaning through cooking? LOVE it! :)
Jew Wishes says
What a wonderful photo of a delicious looking and sounding salad. I like the blend of oranges and mint with the radishes and beets.
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