I bought some orange chrysanthemums at the local Farmer’s Market on Friday. As they are in a pot, I can place them wherever I want in the garden before taking a photo. I may decide to plant them directly in the ground in November. The marigolds in my garden are holding up nicely in the fall, with red in the center of their orange petals.
For more photos with a bit of red or a lot of red, visit Ruby Tuesday:

Nothing marks early fall more than my maroon chrysanthemum in bloom.

I played detective to determine what kind of tree this is that grows in my neighbor’s front yard. I had photographed it last June when it had all those white floppy petals. Now it has these orange hanging balls.

I typed “white flowers petals orange balls” and “big petals white flowers tree” into Google. That second search brought me to a forum of plant identification, and someone suggested “cornus kousa.” The rest was easy; I put that phrase in Google images, and up came both my petals and my orange bally “fruit.”
To learn what is going on in nature in other neighborhoods, visit Rambling Woods: