Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Project Black: Rudbeckia

Black-eyed susans

Black-eyed susans are the common name for these yellow petaled beauties that grace my front and back yards. My neighbors two doors down and across the street have lots of echinacea, purple cone flowers, and my goal is to have the yellow and purple flowers interspersed in my yard, instead of so much of the yellow.

 All my Project Black posts
 An early rudbeckia and my garden last year
 What’s Project Black? Visit Anna’s photo blog.

me Ann my camera says

These are lovely! I think Purple Coneflowers are my favourite garden flower. I started out with lots of Pink(purple) and a few yellow, but it seems the yellow flourish best, or are hardier and now are most in numbers. The butterfliies love them and I love the fact that the blossoms will remain now into late August or September. Your photo is very showy and colourful.

Ilana-Davita says

Very colorful.

Jientje says

Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog yesterday, you made my day!
I love your PB pictures too, the one with your son at the bottom is my favourite one!
The yellow mixed with the purple should make an amazing sight!
I hope it happens for you!

Leora says

Ann, there was a Monarch butterfly on my neighbor's cone flowers last week. Too bad I didn't have my camera.

Ilana-Davita, thank you, as always.

Jientje, you have such lovely photos on your blog! I tried to interest my son in another Project Black project, but that was a one shot deal.

therapydoc says

My grandfather called them sunflowers. He also had the huge sunflowers, the ones with the seeds, growing in his garden.

Batya says

Bli neder, next week I'll check out the black..

Leora says

Therapydoc, they are probably related, cousins in the plant world. Batya, it's fun. I bet you'd enjoy. I'll try to clue you in when Anna starts a new color project.

Gattina says

Beautiful sunflower picture, it is my favourite flower !

Erika says

beautiful capture!

hihorosie says



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