Weekly Review with Pink Roses

On My Blog
I had a tough week. Busy with work (three meetings in a row with three different clients) and then the real anxiety-provoker, dealing with my father’s surgery. He’s doing well. So I got the chance to write my most creative post last night:
Keyword and Link Challenge: I am challenging you, my readers, to put your favorite post (can be yours or someone else’s) in the comments of that post. Then I’ll come up with a post using a few of those links. Sort of like paper bag dramatics: you put a bunch of objects in a box, then you and your group put on a skit.
The highlight of the past week was the Salute to Israel Day Parade in New York City:
Israel Day Parade 2009
Ruby Tuesday Parade Reds
Float of Israeli Banks
I have another picture from the parade I hope to post for Summer Stock Sunday. This was my first entry for that summery meme hosted by Robin: Summer Beach Items
Nature Notes: New Moon (aside note: best wishes to Michelle in dealing with her mom, who is in the hospital)
I didn’t get a chance to do a Weekly Review last week, so here’s an artsy post:
Flower Power Painting
Stay tuned for a scribbly, fun art post last Saturday night Eastern time.
Elsewhere on the Web
- Klara, who runs a Yahoo group for macrobiotics, wrote that the newest member is Jen Hoy, who writes for About.com. If you want some ideas for tantalizing salads, visit her post on summer salads. You don’t have to adopt the whole diet to make one delicious and healthy salad!
- Do you think breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Ilana-Davita asks
What do you eat for breakfast? - Elderberry Trumps Tamiflu for Flu Remedy
- Rebbetzin’s Husband explains why the Arab-Israeli conflict is NOT in the top 10 problems of the Middle East.
- We heard Dr. Kedar speak when he was in Highland Park. Dr. Kedar for Secretary of State, anyone? Hear him on the Middle East on Jeffrey Woolf’s blog.
- West Bank Mama writes:
…it makes me angry that my living in my home is equated with terrorists killing innocent men, women, and children. Am I really as dangerous as a suicide bomber? I am a suburban mom raising three kids, and have never threatened anyone…
- Finally, this little video entitled Jewish & Black Fight? made me smile. Short and sweet.
Ellie says
What a week! You can never go wrong with roses! Grand finale!
Ilana-Davita says
These roses are lovely.
Thanks for linking to me.
mother in israel says
Glad your father is doing okay. Mine was in the hospital this week too, but he should be going home today. He's weak, though. Shabbat shalom.
Leora says
It must be hard to have him so far away. When my father was in the hospital 4 years ago, I was a 5 hour drive away. I couldn't help him with his day to day needs or with dealing with the hospital staff. Now that he lives nearby (and the hospital is ten minutes away, half an hour on foot), it is so much easier to watch out for his needs. But it was draining on me this week.
Gail says
So sorry to her about your father, Leora. Glad he is doing well. Dealing with ailing parents is very stressful.
Loved the picture of the rose.
Leora says
Thanks for the good wishes, Gail.
"ailing parents" - I like to think of him as "aging parent" instead of ailing. He takes very good care of himself (actually, it's his full-time occupation currently).
I hope your parents are doing OK.
Jew Wishes says
Your weeks are always so full...which is good for us, your readers, as you give us much to ponder.
Leora says
I'm glad I give you something to ponder with my crazy trying fit too much in life!
Martha says
What a week! I hope you have a nice weekend and an easier week ahead!
Leora says
Today went well...so that's a good start! Thanks, Martha.
Klara Le Vine says
I'd love a post some day on aging. I think of it often. Is the body really something that must break down as it gets older??
Leora says
There are people who study aging; some researchers think they can stop the aging process. Meanwhile, even the people I know who are very health-conscious, once they reach their eighties, life gets harder. A relative by marriage (who lives in Jerusalem now) jokes that when she gets together with friends, it only takes a few minutes before the topic turns to health.
Ad mayah v'esrim - until 120 - we should have good lives at least that long.
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